Sunday, February 17, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Due to this crazy Indiana weather, school was out for two days so I had a very active 5 year old grandson under foot. He only goes 1/2 days so I had to cram a lot into one day because I played hooky on Valentine's day. My husband and I went to Hobby Lobby and spent about an hour looking at beads and making creations up in our heads. They had a 50% off sale on beads so we took advantage of it. We then went to White Castle for our Valentine lunch. Not a very romantic place but we love them "sliders". Friday I was cramming a week of house work into one day plus I had to go to work that evening at 4 so I didn't even get a chance to get on the computer. Saturday my son took us out for supper and he tried to teach his nephew how to use chop sticks. That was a funny site. He finally gave up and used one to just stab his food. Then he tried to pick up a cube of jello with them and they kept flopping back into the bowl. We laughed until our sides hurt. Since we were around Hobby Lobby we went back and bought some more beads because we didn't know when they would offer the 50% off again. Now it is Sunday and I have to go into work at 6 pm. My next day off is Friday, which is my granddaughters 1st birthday. Hopefully this week my grandson will go to school every day so I can get some housework and computer work done. I have to make a snugglie sometime this week for my granddaughter. It has teddy bears on the front with a light purple flannel back. I am getting ready to make my grandson one that has skeleton pirate heads on it. He loves pirates. Hope everyone has had a great weekend.

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