Thursday, February 28, 2008

Good Morning

I know that I have been MIA for quite awhile but I have been so busy trying to to get my new online business up and ready to go that I haven't had the time to blog. Well, there went my good intentions to blog for 365 days. Yesterday I got a lot of my jewelry supplies in and it was like Christmas morning for me. Lots and lots of new gemstones, hemp and other supplies to make earrings. I also went to WalMart and got some material to make snugglies and wall hangings. I must tell you, WalMart is really getting bad on having any kind of fabric department. In our home town store they want to actually do away with the fabric and craft section. Guess we will have to drive about 15 miles to the next nearest WalMart if I need anything.

I know that this is not a very interesting post but I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still here but very busy. Have a great day.

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