Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

You know, I am not even sure why I said happy Tuesday because it is a dreary rainy morning. I guess it is because I am happy to be alive and kicking...but not too high. I might fall and break a hip.(lol) I cannot believe it is the first week of February and we are having thunderstorms and warm temperatures. I even had my window down when I came home from work last night at 11 pm. I was under the impression that February was a winter month with cold and snow. But I am not complaining. I will take rain and warm temperatures over cold and snow any day. I guess Ms. Spring is teasing us and giving Mr. Winter a break. Probably get a hum dinger of a snow storm before Mr. Winter leaves.

I really need to get off the computer and get some laundry done and last night's dishes done but being on the computer so a lot more fun so I guess I will enjoy a second cup of coffee and play on the computer for a while longer.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Marla said...

Hello Pat,

The Thunder Storm we got yesterday was very scary... alot of wind and lightening that lit up the whole sky. Of course this is Indiana after all tonight we have snow flurries. Oh got love the Spring trying to move out the Winter.

Thanks for the comments on my blog posting...I will make sure and add photo's of my process of decorating...
