Monday, February 11, 2008

Gearing Up For Another Storm

Well, they are calling for another winter storm but hopefully this one will pass us by just like the last one did. According to the weather channel we may get snow followed by sleet and freezing rain. A general all around mess. Hopefully if we get this mess it will wait until I get home from work tonight. I want to just sit inside and watch it, not drive in it.

Been busy getting a supply list together for my new site. I am really getting excited and want to get started making designs. My husband cannot make the necklaces but he is giving me a lot of encouragement and design ideas. My fellow sisters at MUIB are also giving me suggestions as to what I should add to my site and I really appreciate all the ideas and suggestions. Now I just have to get all the supplies and find time to make it. Guess my computer play time will be limited.(lol) Hopefully it will be worth it. I know that it is going to take time to see a profit and that you have to spend money to make money. Will keep you updated on my progress.

Well, my grandson is ready to eat lunch, then I have to get ready to go to work. Another long day making sandwiches. At times I get so tired of looking at hamburgers and chicken I could scream. But I really like my job and most of the people that I work with. I usually work from 4 pm to midnight, when we close and I am not really fond of those hours but they work out for me right now. Hopefully when school starts next year I can find a day shift job, maybe working in the school system some where.

If it is cold where you are and you are slated to get some of this bad weather, try to stay warm and be safe on the roads if you go out.

1 comment:

Marla said...

Hello My Friend,

Just wanted to let you know that a friend stopped by, I am so proud of you for going for your dreams, and finding something you love to do....

Your Friend,