Saturday, February 2, 2008

I was tagged by Marla at

Here's how you play: once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 4 random facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end choose 4 people to be tagged; list their names and why you tagged them. Don't forget to leave them a comment saying "you're it!" and to go read your blog. You cannot tag the person that tagged you, so since you can't tag me back let me know when you are done so that I can go read your blog answers.

1. My goal for 2008 is to open an online store featuring my sewing and jewelry crafts.
2. I am a chocolate and peanut butter fanatic.
3. I chew my nails.
4. At one time I wanted to move to Gatlinburg, TN and live.

Now I am going to tag these four friends of mine:
Marlee, Jenn, Christi, LibAnn


Nick & Lizzy said...

Hey, thanks for the tag. Can't wait to check out your new blog--yum!!! :)

Marla said...

Thanks my friend for that compliments about my cabinets..I love them...My have to move them in to our new home with me....LOL... Nope I have done them will need to do something different...

I am having so much fun Playing..OH I mean working on the Computer...LOL....

Marla (at least the sun is shinning today)

Anonymous said...

We love going to Gatlinburg! I'm actually planning a weekend trip for the 22nd & 23rd, right now.

I've followed the directions, so stop by my blog and check out my answers. :-)