Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy Cold Sunday

Yesterday it was windy and in the 40's. Today I wake up, go outside to feed the dogs and the bottom has dropped out of the thermometer. It is in the teens and feels like 1 degree. BRRRRRRRRR. And we are getting ready for an icy mix to come in on Tuesday, maybe even some snow showers before. Why in the world can't it do all this when I am off work? (lol) I don't mind the snow but hate the ice. At least with snow you have some traction but with ice you are s**t out of luck. I hate to ice skate in a car.(lol) We live in out of town in a small subdivision that does not clean the roads and there are small hills and curves before I get to my road. Looking forward to that drive come Tuesday. Maybe I can look online and find some kind of dance that will chase that storm away and bring in spring.(lol)

Peace and quiet is shattered. My grandson was taking a bath and playing pirate in the tub and he wants out so I guess I will say until later....

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