Friday, January 4, 2008


The weather here in Southern Indiana is COLD!!!!! I know when I was a kid I use to love cold weather and snow, but now that I am older I don't like it. Guess as you get older, your skin gets thinner and you get colder easier. I know that I do. I seem to stay cold all winter no matter how warm it is in the house. Come Saturday it is suppose to rain and get up in the "50's, maybe even get close to 60 degrees, then back cold again. As the old saying goes, "Don't like the weather here in Indiana, stick around awhile and it will change."

My 5 year old grandson is hollering for snow so he can go out to play. Fine, he can go out and I will sit inside with a hot cup of coffee and watch him play from the kitchen window.

My two favorite season's are spring and fall. For me, it could stay in the 70's year round and I would be happy.

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