Friday, January 18, 2008

Indiana Weather

Well, the old saying is true. Don't like the weather, just stay around and it will change. Yesterday morning we had snow, about an inch, maybe just a bit more. In the afternoon it started to rain and melted away all the snow. Now it is dry and cold. Who knows what is next. I cannot wait for spring! Spring and fall are my two favorite seasons. I would be happy if it stayed in the 70 degree range year around....but then I would have to mow the grass a lot more.(lol) Not my favorite chore.

Everyone have a great day!

1 comment:

Marla said...

awwww!!! The Indiana weather isn't that bad....wink.. It is 26* in my part of Indiana, and they are predecting 2* or below by morning...

Your Very Chilly Friend,