Saturday, January 12, 2008

I know that yesterday I was down in the dumps....and I didn't even find anything useful while I was down there either. (lol) The weather here in southern IN is very cool but sunny. It is a good day to take a walk or just sit on the porch and have a cup of coffee. Since I feel better I am going to share something with you that I found while browsing on the internet. Hope some of them bring a smile to your face, maybe even a little chuckle too.

Questions That Make You Scratch Your Head

Here you will find some of life’s unanswered questions. The kind that make you say “hmmmm” but really don’t have any answer. So sit back, relax and have a laugh or two with these thought pondering questions.

1. Why do they sterilize lethal injection needles?
2. If Wal-Mart is lowering their prices everyday, how come nothing in the store is free?
3. Do coffins have lifetime quarantees and why do they nail them shut?
4. Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctor’s call what they do “practice”?
5. Who was that person who first looked at a cow and said, “I think I’ll squeeze those dangly things and drink what comes out.”
6. Who was that person who first saw an egg come from a chicken’s butt and said, “I bet that would be good to eat.”
7. If electricity comes from electrons, does mortality come from morons?
8. Why is it illegal to park in a handicapped spot but its okay to use a handicapped toilet?
9. If a turtle doesn’t have a shell is he naked or homeless?
10. Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
11. What hair color do they put on driver’s license of bald men?
12. What happens to an 18 hour bra after 18 hours?
13. Do jellyfish get gas after eating jellybeans?
14. Why are hemorrhoids called ‘hemorrhoids’ and not ‘asteroids’?
15. Why do people constantly return to the ‘fridge with hopes that something new to eat will have materialize?
16. Why do people believe you when you say there are four billion stars but check when you say “wet paint”?
17. If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
18. Why do hot dogs come ten to a package and hot dog buns only eight to a pack?
19. Why do they make scented toilet paper.
20. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?


Marla said...
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Marla said...

Thank You, I needed the laugh today!

Oh and the Kittty is OH so Cute...

Your MUIB friend,
Marla sorry I deleted the first comment by I redid it..LOL..