Saturday, January 19, 2008

Embarrassing Pregnancy Symptoms

Everyone that is pregnant or has been pregnant knows about these embarrassing pregnancy symptoms. And if you are not pregnant but thinking about getting pregnant, then you will be knowledgeable and know what to expect. I would also print this out and hang it on the ‘fridge so if anyone complains about any of these symptoms, you can show them this. Or else make a big sign that says, “PREGNANCY HORMONES ON DUTY”

The first, and probably the most, embarrassing symptom is excessive gas, certainly in the first trimester. Sometimes you pass enough gas to power a small compact car. This unpleasant and smelly symptom comes from the high levels of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. This hormone slows down motility in the stomach allowing more gas to build up. You expel it by passing gas or belching really loud. You can this problem by eliminating beans, carbonated drinks, and eating smaller more frequent meals.

The second embarrassing symptom is vomiting. It is amazing how quickly a pregnant woman can go from feeling queasy to vomiting…sometimes in embarrassing places. Some things to do that help is change the time of day you take your prenatal vitamins. Try taking them at night with food or ask your doctor for a low iron vitamin. You can also try sucking on ice chips or hard candy like lemon or ginger flavored.

The third embarrassing symptom is frequent runs to the bathroom or incontinent. It is normal to sneeze or cough and feel a warm gush down your leg because your uterus is pressing on your bladder making it harder to hold even a small amount of urine. You could try to drink less when you are up and about but then that would mean more at night and then you would be up all night running to the bathroom. A suggestion would be to try Kegel exercises which help tone up the muscles that help increase urine control. You can also wear a sanitary pad or incontinent pad when you are out.

The fourth embarrassing symptom is pregnancy vaginal and vulva problems which includes discharge, itching, an increase in odors, and even a swelling of the vulva. Once again you can thank your pregnancy hormones and the baby’s weight for these problems. The swelling in the vulva is caused the increase of fluids and blood to that area. To help with the odor problem you can wear pantie liners and change them often. Please note that pregnancy hormones boost the olfactory senses so probably no one else smells what you smell.

The fifth embarrassing symptom is you have temporary memory lapses. What this means is that you pick up the phone to call someone and forget who you wanted to call, or even what the call was about. This usually begins in the second trimester. You can also blame this on raging pregnancy hormones but it is likely due to the raging schedule of a pregnant woman.

The sixth embarrassing symptom is you become more aggressive and angry. Once again you can blame those pregnancy hormones. They can turn even the most timid woman into a force to be reckoned with. Pregnancy hormones not only increase aggressiveness and anger but can trigger melancholia which can make women weepy over the least little thing. If you get to the point where you are angry, aggressive or weepy all the time, you need to talk to the doctor because it may be more than just hormones at work.


Nick & Lizzy said...

Hmmmm...I'm still suffering from 5 & 6 and I haven't been pregnant for almost 2 years... ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah that is a fact that pregnancy brings anger plus frustration. I remmember while pregnancy I was like a volcano and every near and dear were scared of me. lolz

Anonymous said...

ive just found out that im a couple weeks pregnant and get this one... i always make more trips to the bathroom and i wake up having to go constantly. but a few days i went before bed then woke up to go again and noticed i had urinated in my sleep is this one normal??
how embarrassing

Nuha said...

Pregnancy always change the woman's life. The signs mentioned above are the most common pregnancy symptoms. If you have never been pregnant before, they can be quite bewildering. For this reason, it may be a good idea to keep a pregnancy calendar handy for your own reference and reassurance.