Sunday, January 6, 2008

Good Evening

Man, I do believe I have slept thru winter. It is so warm outside, 60 degrees, it feels like spring but I know it is January and old man winter is just teasing us. We still have a couple of months of winter left to go so we are not out of the snow woods yet. In fact, on The Weather Channel they are calling for snow showers Jan 12-13. Snow showers I can handle....snow I cannot. I like snow only if I can sit inside and watch it out the window. These old bones don't like the cold too much any longer. I know this is not a very informative or interesting blog but I just felt like talking. I am really enjoying blogging. But then, I have always loved to write but the funny part is, I always had trouble in English classes. Go figure. I am thinking about taking some online classes in creative writing but have not made a firm decision yet. I don't know if I can find the time between working, keeping up the house, and having a 5 year old grandson wanting all my attention when I am home. Thank you for taking the time to read my rambling.

1 comment:

Dancingsouls said...

I love to write too. I'm an aspiring writer and hope to publish some of my stories one day soon. My favorite subject in school was Math not English so go figure. lol