Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Wet Tuesday

Yep, it is raining here in southern IN and it is 44 degrees according to The Weather Channel. The type of day that you just want to curl up in your favorite chair with a cup of coffee, a good book and just be left alone. Unfortunately I am not going to be able to do any of that. I have to take my grandson to the doctor in just a little bit. Being of the generation where they did not have vaccines for chickenpox, I am not sure if he has them or not. When my son was little, or rather when he was a teen, he got the chickenpox I knew it because of the way he broke out. Now days they have that vaccine and while they can still get it, it is a mild case. He broke out in a rash Saturday and has a few pimple like spots but nothing major. I kept him home from preschool today just in case. I know yesterday he was super crabby. It seemed like all you had to do was look at him and he would start to whine and cry. I hate it when he feels bad. I sat and rocked him for an hour yesterday and that was nice. Being 5 years old he "thinks" he is too big to be rocked any longer but Granny thinks different.(lol)

Time to go so will catch up with you later. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Marla said...

Hello my friend,

Thanks for the advice, I will try this as soon as he isn't scared of the potty chair. I understand what you were telling me and it makes since.. Thanks

Your your staying warm...LOL...