Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 7th was "National Pass Gas Day"

Yes, I am serious. It is no joke. I belong to MUIB, which by the way is a wonderful group of ladies. I will go more into MUIB later. But anyway, back to the subject. One of our member's grandmother passed away and instead of sending her a condolence via web post I decided to send her a sympathy e-card. I clicked on free e-cards at http://www.yahoo.americangreetings.com and there it was. It said "1-7 is National Pass Gas Day," and to click here to send the card. Of course I couldn't resist clicking on it, and it was a skunk with a cloud of stink. It said "It's National Pass Gas Day. Hope yours doesn't stink." I had to send it to my son, who has been kind of down in the dumps lately. It just goes to show you that people will make anything a national day celebration. And yes, I did send a very lovely sympathy e-card.

Now about MUIB....It stands for "Mothers United In Business" but it is more than just that. Sure, we promote our businesses on Saturday and Sundays, which are ad days, but we also promote friendship. These ladies may be strangers when you join, but they quickly become your friends. They are there to give advice if you ask, a kick in the butt if you need it, a shoulder to lean on, just like a friend should be. If you would like to join a very versatile group of ladies who are SAHM, WAHM, and work outside the home, then you need to check out MUIB. Just remember that we not only promote our businesses, we also promote friendship. You can check it out at http://www.momsunitedinbusiness.com/sistersites.htm. You will be glad you did.

So, Happy Belated National Pass Gas Day to all my friends! And Jauary 8th is Bubble Bath Day. Apparently they have something for everyday of the month. Who knows what January 9th will be. Guess I will have to check the site everyday to see what we are celebrating.

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